Valencia is back to being its warm, pleasant self and we’ve got a lot of things planned for you to enjoy before the heat of summer hits! Read on to see what’s coming up for IWCV members this month.
Susan Kaplan, VP Membership
Events for June
Please remember – you cannot cancel your place at any IWCV activity by clicking a link on our website. It will not work! Instead, please just email pres.iwcvalencia@gmail.com so that we can cancel your place and give the next person on the waitlist a chance to attend. Thank you for understanding!
First Tuesday Coffee – Tuesday 6 June, 10:30am at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum. The coffee morning is open to all women in Valencia, both members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to register in advance - just stop by and join us!
Non-Lucrative Visas & Their Renewals – Thursday 8 June. Everything you ever wanted to know about Non-Lucrative Visas, and now you can ask! For details and to sign up, click here: Non-lucrative Visas & Their Renewals | IWC - Valencia
Understanding Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Spain & Busting Some Nutrition Myths –Tuesday 13 June. Come learn about Spanish olive oil, bust some nutrition myths, and then enjoy an olive oil tasting! For details and to sign up, go to Understanding Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Spain & Busting Some Nutrition Myths | IWC - Valencia
June Luncheon – Thursday 15 June. Join us to sample what can only be called the true flavors of Spain at Casa del Tapeo! This luncheon is open to IWCV members, and this month your partners/spouses are welcome to join us. For details and to register, go to June Luncheon | IWC - Valencia
OWL Happy Hour – Wednesday 28 June, 6:00pm outside on the terrace at Saltimbocca, Plaça de Vannes 7. Open to all IWCV members, their partners/spouses and guests. No need to register in advance, but if you know you’ll be coming please email pres.iwcvalencia@gmail.com and let us know how many you will be.
May New Members - Welcome!

Happy Birthday to our June Birthday Members
Amy Swanson
Antigona Silvia Rogozea
Beth Anderson
Candy Fernandez
Christine Vitale
Christine Imori
Cindy Roberts
Diana Abou rjeili
Emma Pedro
Ewa Pernal
Gayle Martin
Lauren Baker
Liliana Rio
Madeline Waid
Marilyn Magallon
Maxine Roberts
Nicoletta Benzi
Peg Kirkpatrick
Sharmista Das
Wendy Barratt Cooper
Charities & Fundraising
Pauline Fitzgerald, Charities Chair
Women Supporting Women Proyecto Vivir supports marginalized women and their children. Coming from Spain, Somalia, and other countries these women get help learning skills to create a better life for themselves and their children.
Volunteering consists of a couple hours per week; shifts Monday-Friday.
The opportunities and volunteer hours are:
Work with the children while the mothers are in class.
Work in their boutique thrift store.
If you would like more information about volunteering at Proyecto Vivir please contact Myra Deuel at myradeuel@icloud.com
Phyllis So, VP Activities
Recap of Recent Events
April 27 - Guided Tour to Jardin de Monfort, Brenda Stein
Fortunately, it was a dry day and everyone enjoyed the tour. David never fails to amaze with his humor and knowledge of whatever tour we go on with him.
April 28 - Four Session Writing Workshop, May Leong
This workshop has started and is proving to be quite challenging – at least to me! The participants are looking forward to the final 3 sessions that will be held in June and July.
May 9 - Frank Buck, Prostate Cancer – A Survivor’s Story
A sensitive issue: however, Frank is a survivor and talked about his journey. Here’s what attendee Roger Smith had to say: “What an important subject to many of the world’s male population. I was anxious to hear Frank’s story. He took us through his prostate journey and reminded us that if a PSA (Prostate Speciflc Antigen test) is out of range and a biopsy is needed, it will be painless. Frank gave an excellent presentation, and we are grateful that he shared his experience.”
May 16 - Tony Woodcock, All the Best Parties – The Author's Take on the Novel & Its Making
Thirteen IWCV members and their partners/spouses enjoyed hearing Tony Woodcock speaking about his book “All the Best Parties” and came to appreciate the time and effort both Tony and his editor Sandra Molyneaux put into making Tony’s original novel the published gem it is.
Ongoing Activities
All the following groups use WhatsApp Groups to get information about the activity to interested members. To join, please see the contact details below.
Spanish and Coffee, Wednesdays, 11-12:30 at El Corte Ingles (on Colón - where Starbucks and Samsung are), in the cafeteria on the 6th floor.
Contact Info: Mary Reeves, +34 686 50 20 90
Come join us as we have lively Spanish conversations and get more comfortable speaking in our adopted language. All members are welcome.
Women Who Walk, Fridays, 11-1 meet at Palau de la Musica to walk the Turia and have coffee. For all levels of walking, you will find someone to walk with. IWCV members, their partners/spouses and out-of-town guests are welcome.
Contact Info: Ida Mauritzen +47 468 79 903 or Liz Humphreys +34 637 74 89 90
This has proven to be one of our most popular groups so what are you waiting for? Get out on the Turia & meet new friends!
Stitches and Yarns - Fourth Thursday from 2-4 p.m. Join this lively group, learn to knit or crochet and/or bring your current project.
Contact Info: Cathy Cleaver, +34 635 97 89 98
Board Games and More – Usually twice a month. From 6-8 people (depends on how many your flat can accomodate), bring snacks and beverage.
Contact info: Ann Linton - +1 (312) 208-8666
Games currently being played: 3/13 (like rummy but not), Mexican Train Dominoes (like dominoes but not), Rumi Kube, (like rummy but not), Quiddler (make words vs. numbers).
If there’s a game you’d like to play (i.e., Monopoly, Scrabble, etc.) or if you want to host a game day, let Ann know.
Upcoming Confirmed Events
Thursday, June 8 - Non-Lucrative Visas and Their Renewals
Find out more about this sometimes-frustrating process from local expert Rissana Shytu.
Tuesday, June 13 - Understanding Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Spain & Busting Some Nutrition Myths
Join Susan Hoover to learn more about Spanish olive oil (plus olive oil tasting) and Susan March to bust some nutrition myths.
Possible Upcoming Events
Turkish/Kurdish Cooking Class
Real Estate in Valencia (various topics)
Suggestions? (We’d love to hear from you, our members!!)
Art Classes
Education classes
June Holidays in Valencia
Saturday 24 June - St. John's Day
Remember to check our website (www.iwc-valencia.com) periodically to find out what’s been added since the month started. Click on “events” to see what’s been planned and click on “activities” to see what on-going activities are available to you. And while you’re on the website, try clicking some of the other tabs – we have so much information available for all our members! It’s really worth taking a look if you haven’t done so recently.
Jane Buck,