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  • Create public awareness of our organization

  • Allow interested women in Valencia to become members

  • Manage IWCV events

  • Serve as a resource for information about Valencia


Your personal profile can only be accessed by you and authorized members of the board of directors.



 International Women’s Club Valencia



  • To share information regarding upcoming and past activities, post photos of activities, and direct those interested in becoming IWCV members to the website for registration.

  • Events may be posted if relevant to IWCV members but are subject to removal by the Facebook administrator

  • No product advertising is allowed


WhatsApp Groups

 WhatsApp Groups - all IWCV members invited.

All IWCV regularly scheduled activities have coordinators and WhatsApp groups - here information about upcoming meetings and discussions about each group’s topics are shared. Click on the Activities page to learn more about each regularly scheduled activity and to connect with each group’s coordinator(s) to be added to the group.

We also have two other active WhatsApp groups - for IWCV members:

1. Join us for Local Events
Purpose: To share information about local events such as craft fairs, art shows, concerts, movies, sporting events and more. To organize members who wish to attend these activities together.
*It is important to include a live link and/or the details about the event in your post:
include Title, Date, Time, Place, Cost (if any) and any other relevant information.
Event posts that do not include this information will be removed.
Please contact Susan March on WhatsApp +34 651858463 to be added to the 
group, including your WhatsApp contact information. 

2. IWCV Social Chat
This group is designed for all things not events. We welcome photos, info, ask for resources, comments that are non-political. Our own private social media. We keep the Social Chat politics, polls and opinion-free.


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