Time goes by so quickly! We are now officially in the holiday season, and over the next two months IWCV members will be celebrating holidays from All Saints Day through New Year's Eve - with more celebrations to follow! Your IWCV has got all kinds of things planned too, from shopping tours to cultural tours to new on-going activities and more. We hope that those of you who aren't traveling will join us as we enjoy, celebrate, and assist our lovely Valencia community.
Events for November:
Susan Kaplan, VP Membership
First Tuesday Coffee – Tuesday 1 November. Our first Tuesday Coffee will be this Tuesday, 10:30am at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum. The coffee morning is open to all women in Valencia, both members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to register in advance - just stop by and join us!
Shop Each Other’s Closets – Saturday 5 November, 3:00pm. Join IWCV member Ines Reser and enhance your wardrobe! For details and to register, click on Shop Each Other's Closets | IWC - Valencia
Empañadas & Wine Charity Fundraiser – Saturday 12 November, 5:30pm. IWCV members plus their partners/spouses will enjoy delicious empañadas paired with lovely wines at this special event. Proceeds go to the charities supported by the IWCV. For details and to register, click here: Empanadas & Wine Charity Fundraiser | IWC - Valencia
Guided Walking Tour of El Patriarca - Tuesday 15 November, 10:30am. You and your partner/spouse will see this beautiful church in a new light thanks to our historian/guide David. For details and to register, click here: Guided Tour of El Patriarca | IWC - Valencia
November Luncheon – Thursday 17 November. You and your spouse/partner are welcome to join us as we taste some of the best Nepali & Indian food that we’ve found in Valencia! For details and to register, click here: November Luncheon | IWC - Valencia
OWL – Wednesday 30 November. The IWCV’s “OWL” Happy Hour will take place at 6PM at Babilonia, just off St. Vincent Martir next door to Hundred. Your spouse / partner /guests are welcome to join you. There is no need to register for OWL, but if you know that you will be there please email pres.iwcvalencia@gmail.com and let us know how many of you will be coming so that we can let the folks at Babilonia know about how many we will be.
Ana Zabaljauregui, Spanish/American
Caoimhe Soffer, Irish
Carol Pereyra, American
Cynthia Zorokong, America
Danielle Thonon, French/Venezuelan
Elaine Cobos, American
Famke Grootswagers, Dutch
Gaëtane Coopmans, Belgian
Gerlinde Scharinger, Canadian/American
Josefina Gamundi, Venezuelan / American
Julianne Stall White, American
Kim Essex, American
Leila Gaines
Linda Byrd, Spanish
Lisa Blumhagen, American
Lisa La Nasa, American
Mamen Arnaiz, Spanish
Mara Del Bianco, Spanish
Maria Zarza, Spanish
Maria Luisa Fons Requena, Spanish
Nancee Zannone, American
Norma Acland, UK/USA
Silvia Matos Escalada, Spanish
Tamara Dickson, American
Anelia Krandeva
Ann Linton
Belinda James
Caoimhe Soffer
Catherine Cleaver
Catherine Lowe
Collin Roberts
Donna Morgan
Erica Worthington
Gloria Newhoff
Heather Barnard
Ida Mauritzen
Jean Higgins
JoAn Conboy
Julianne Stall White
Karen Somerville
Kim Essex
Lastenia Narváez Alarcon
Lilia Espinosa Tyson
Lisa Blumhagen
Lisa Harrison
M Ángeles Maroto
Maria Belton
Maria Naranjo
Rebecca Weston
Silvia Matos Escalada
Sonia Martos
Pauline Fitzgerald, Chair – Charities & Fundraising
Proyecto Vivir gave us an opportunity in October to spread some holiday cheer by purchasing a Poinsettia Plant. They have teamed up with a local florist to receive 50% of each Poinsettia Plant sold. To date we have orders for 34 Poinsettia Plants (Flor de Pasqua). The plants will be available for collection before December 7th. at a collection point near the Mercado Centrál. Please watch for updated notifications
Volunteers are needed
PV are always happy to welcome volunteers: Currently, PV has four fulltime employees and 68 part-time volunteers. However, the foundation needs 100 part-time volunteers to cover their various activities.
The most important sector that need volunteers is the
Volunteers must
(1) enjoy spending time with children,
(2) speak basic Spanish
(3) have the physical ability to care for very young children.
Responsibilities: Job consists of caring for children (0 – 2 years old) by carrying out the
activities (prepared by PV), preparing meals and supervising naps.
Schedule: Volunteers can attend one or both of the following:
Morning Shift: 10:30 – 13 hrs
Afternoon Shift: 17 – 19 hrs.
Donations for their store – Tienda Solidaria
The store Tienda Solidaria sells donated CLOTHES, BOOKS and TOYS as a source of
income for the foundation. IWCV is invited to oversee two clothing drives:
1. Winter Comfort:
December 5 – 6, 2022
2.Spring Cleaning:
March 19th, 20th, 21st 2023
Store Address: Calle González Martí 3, 46008 Valencia
If any of you have a few hours to spare and would like to get involved please contact our
Proyecto Vivir Coordinator Alea for further information by email to magaustin88@gmail.com
The Casa Ronald Christmas Solidarity Baskets have been a success again this year and
thanks to the generosity of you ladies we have so far received orders for 34 baskets. There will be a central collection point in Valencia for baskets.
Please watch for updated notifications.
Sponsor a Child
There has been an amazing response from our members to sponsor children for the Three
Kings celebration on January 6th. This is a wonderful opportunity to support those less
fortunate at such a special time of the year by providing holiday gifts for the children. We still
require a small number of sponsors. To those of you who may have missed the notifications
and would like to participate please email me for information with your
details; pauline.fitzgerald9@gmail.com
Christmas Gift Bags for the Homeless
The Christmas Gift Bag project will get underway in November, please watch for information.
This project was greatly supported by our ladies in 2021. We look forward to bringing cheer to those people who rely on our generosity to enjoy some happiness of the holiday season.
HOLIDAY CARDS Last year we had lovely holiday cards, designed by the winner of our IWCV design a holiday card contes,t for sale with the proceeds going to the charities supported by the IWCV. We will have these cards available again this year. 100% of the proceeds will go to charity. The cost is €5 per 10 card package. We will have some available for purchase at this month’s First Tuesday Coffee, and at other events too.
Finally, thank you so much ladies for your continuous generosity in supporting our charities. It is a good feeling to make a little difference to those less fortunate who need our help.
Phyllis So, VP Activities
Wow, what an exciting month October has been and it is sure to be just as exciting, if not
more, in November. First, thank all of you that have stepped up and helped with coordinating many of our activities. We truly appreciate your willingness to help out!
This month, we started a new ongoing activity, our own IWCV Intercambio “Spanish and
Coffee”. You asked for it, we said let’s do it! We had 13 people at IWCV member Marilyn
Magallon’s home for our inaugural meeting, which was hosted by Marilyn and IWCV member
Carmen Ventura. We found that many of us do want to learn more Spanish, and this is a great way to do it! We were able to resolve many of the logistical questions that came up, and unanimously decided to hold our Spanish and Coffee weekly as that is more conducive to ongoing conversations. Future meetings will be at Marilyn’s home, Ida Mauitzen’s home or at Cafe Bahia, with anywhere from 6-10 people at a session. This activity will be available for
sign-up on the IWCV website but it’s not there yet, so for now, if you would like to join, please contact Phyllis So ( vpactivities.iwcvalencia@gmail.com ) and ask to be placed on the IWCV What’s App group “Spanish and Coffee”. All the information you will need will be found there; e.g., location, number of people, time, date. Marilyn will keep track of the number of people and arrange a waitlist should there be more than 10 people.
Board Games and More has been a huge success! IWCV members have hosted different
games such as Rummikub, 3-13, Mexican Train Dominoes, and Yahtzee at their homes. The host will determine the game to be played, the location and time, while participants are kindly asked to bring a snack to share (in whatever dish it will be served in!) and something to drink. The host will provide utensils, and cups for drinks. To join this bi-monthly ongoing activity, please email Phyllis So at vpactivities.iwcvalencia@gmail.com with your name and phone number and she will add you to the IWCV WhatsApp group “Board Games and More.
Our walking tour of Cabanyal followed by a tour of Martina Van de Gay’s art studio was a tremendous event. Martina took us around the Cabanyal neighborhood describing what has happened there and the strides they are making. From artwork on the walls and new
construction abounding it is worth walking around. Martina then walked us to her home in
Malvarossa and what a beautiful home it is! Martina’s back garden casita was filled with
amazing wine and tapas for us. We enjoyed at least four different kinds of empañadas plus
lovely savory pastries (one with hummus and one with hard boiled eggs with gambas on top). What a treat! We then had the privilege of seeing Martina’s fascinating and beautiful
studio/gallery. It was absolutely worth seeing! We have such talent in our group! We are
hoping to convince Martina to repeat this tour in the near future.
Now that more and more of you are getting involved, we are hoping to have more
activities to share with you! Take a look above to see what we’ve got planned for November,
and feel free to chat with any of our current activity coordinators to learn firsthand what’s
involved and how easy it is to be an active part of these very fun things!
Tuesday 1 November – All Saints Day
Thank you all for contributing so generously to our charities, and we’re looking forward to
seeing you at many of our upcoming activities!
Jane Buck,