It is summer and many of us will be enjoying all that Spain has to offer to make this very warm weather more pleasant. We will be hitting the beaches, having barbecues and picnics, visiting those lovely northern enclaves that are not noted as winter destinations, or just relaxing at home - hopefully with air conditioning!
For those of you spending time in Valencia, don't forget to check the IWCV website to find out what we have planned for you. Even the IWCV will take a break during August, so this is the last newsletter until September.
Events for July: Please remember that you cannot cancel your place at any IWCV activity by clicking a link on our website. It will not work! Instead please email so that we can cancel your place and give the next person on the waitlist a chance to attend. Thank you for understanding. Don't forget to check our website periodically to see what's been added!
First Tuesday Coffee – Tuesday 4 July, 10:30am at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum. The coffee morning is open to all women in Valencia, both members and those who have not officially joined us yet. There is no need to register in advance - just stop by and join us! This month please consider brining a donation for Casa Caridad, which has a shortage of personal hygiene products at the moment. Read more about this under "Charities & Fundraising" below.
Turkish Cooking Class - This class is full, perhaps another member will offer a cooking class?
Be a Good Friend to your Orchid - Thursday, 13 July, 11:00 a.m. at Susan Kaplan's flat. Come learn how to carefor your orchid, from a real expert, IWCV member Debbie Roth, a member of the Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania. For details and to register, click Be a Good Friend to Your Orchid | IWC - Valencia
June New Members
Anne Szemes - Hungarian
Anne Garner - American
Diane Millar - American
Eugenia Velez - French
Fiona Ghiglione - Australia
Isobel Donovan - Canadian
Jacqueline Jensen - British
Nancy Tessier - French
Rozy Arno - American
Suzanne Rosselet - American/Swiss
Svetlana Nazarenko - Russian
Happy Birthday to our July Birthdays!
Bedth Reuben
DeAlonna Kirk
Ellen Horovitz
Emy Salem
Gabi Canez
Hali Ojeil
Kathy Kudell
Laura Kelly
Lee Warzecka
Lejla Sator
Liese Hutchinson
Maiai Terzian
Malik Turley
Marcia Cowan
Margaret Johnstone
Margarita Ducaju
Medina Fatacean
Michelle Abarbanel
Patricia Mahoney
Romina Maggio
Sandra Kim
Stephanie Bissiere
Susan Jones
Tricia Bryan
Charities & Fundraising
Pauline Fitzgerald, Charities Chair
To all our members old and new, thank you for your continued support of our charities. We strive to create awareness of the needs of our three charities and continue to work to raise funds where possible. Post-covid has seen even more people homeless and families struggling with poverty. For further information about the causes we support please visit our website.
If you wish to make a private donation, the bank details are as follows. Please ensure that you note IWCV in the reference box.
Casa Caridad
LA Caixa: ES47 2100 0736 0022 0061 2310
Banco Sabadell: ES75 0081 7352 4300 0105 7311
Casa Ronald
ES27 0081 1518 9300 0150 8057
Proyecto Vivir
ES75 3159 0066 9828 5328 2123
In the summer season many of the activities within IWCV slow down until September but the needs of our charities continue. Casa Caridad is always in need of hygiene products. Our goal this month is to donate 50 each of shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, toothbrushes and soap. If you wish to donate there will be members of the charity's team at the First Tuesday Coffee on 4 July to collect your donations. Alternatively, it is possible to have them delivered with an online order from any of the supermarkets, or you can drop donations off at: Casa Caridad, Paseo de la Pechina no. 9, bajo, 46008 Valencia (+34 96 391 1726).
Proyecto Vivir - We continue toappeal for volunteers, see the following information. We know many people are busy during the summer months, but if you have free time from September please contact Mayra with your availability to support this worthy cause. Please also refer to our charities page for descriptions of volunteer opportunities: Volunteering in Valencia | IWC - Valencia
Proyecto Vivir will hold their summer fundraising event at the Las Arenas Hotel on July 4. This wine, cava and cheese tasting event promises to be a fun evening! Please see the following link for more information and to register:
We will be back in September with new fundraising events and also our campaigns for the holiday season. We are always open to ideas for events to raise funds for our charities.
Thank you again, ladies, for your never-ending generosity!
Phyllis So, VP Activities
Recap of June's events:
Non-lucrative visas and their renewals
Understanding Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Spain & Busting Some Nutrition Myths.
Ongoing Events
Spanish and Coffee, Wednesdays, 11-12:30 at El Corte Ingles (Colon - where Starbucks and Samsung are). Come join us as we have lively conversations and become more comfortable in our adopted country. Contact person: Mary Reeves, +34 686 502 090 **This will continue through the summers since it's indoors.**
Women Who Walk, Fridays **will be on summer break until September** 11-1 meet at Palau de la Musica to walk the Turia and then have coffee. For all levels of walking, you will find someone to walk with. This activity is open to members, their partners/spouses, and out-of-town guests. Guests who reside in Valencia may join one time only, after that, please join the IWCV if you want to continue walking with us. Thanks for understanding! Contact: Ida Mauritzen +47 468 79 903 or Liz Humphreys +34 637 74 89 90.
Stitches and Yarns - Third Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at Cathy Cleaver’s home on Avinguda O'este. Join this lively group, learn to knit or crochet and/or bring your current project. Contact person: Cathy Cleaver +34 635 97 89 98 **Will continue through the summer.**
Board Games and More – Meets approximately twice a month, with different hostesses – anyone can volunteer! 6-8 people (depends on your flat), bring snacks and beverage. Games currently being played: 3/13 (like rummy but not), Mexican Train Dominoes (like dominoes but not), Rumi Kube, (like rummy but not), Quiddler (make words vs. Numbers), Yahtzee. If there’s a game you’d like to play or if you want to host a party, let Ann know. Contact info: Ann Linton, WhatsApp +1 (312) 208-8666 **Will continue through the summer**
July Events
Turkish/Kurdish Cooking Class - full
Be a Good Friend to Your Orchid - July 13
Future Events
We're excited for the upcoming events!
Real estate in Valencia
Health and nutrition
How to make cocktails
Art show
Cultural tours
More cooking classes, including baking for the holidays
Making collages & journaling
Any more ideas? It's our members who make this work and we have so much talent to share!
July Holidays in Valencia - None
We hope to see you at our First Tuesday Coffee and other July activities. If not, have a wonderful summer and we will see you all in September!
Jane Buck,