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Monthly Newsletter
March 2022
March - Falllas.jpg

Congratulations to our newly elected IWCV Board Members, Lauren Baker (Recording Secretary), Karen Magee-Koski (Member-at-Large), and Dora Sanchez (Treasurer). We are looking forward to having you on board!


The 2021 Annual Report of the IWCV has been posted to the IWCV website. Please take a few minutes to read it here.



  • First Tuesday Coffee – Our first Tuesday Coffee was on 1 March, as always at MuviMent, on the terraza behind the MUVIM Museum.  Next month our coffee will be on 5 April.  It is open to all women in Valencia, both members and those who have not officially joined us yet.

  • March Luncheon, for members and their spouses, partners, or guests – Due to Fallas and its resultant fully-reserved restaurants, we are pushing our monthly luncheon back one week to Thursday 24 March. Details will be posted to the website shortly.

  • OWL – The IWCV’s “OWL” Happy Hour will take place at 6 PM on Wednesday 30 March at Babilonia, just off St. Vincent Martir next door to what used to be VinoTinto . Your spouse / partner / guests are welcome to join you. There is no need to register for OWL, but if you know that  you will be there please email and let us know how many of you will be coming so that we can let the folks at Babilonia know about how many we will be.

  • IWCV Recipe Project: You can see the Winter Soup recipes submitted by members plus Chef Amanda’s monthly cooking tip, at Winter soups | IWC - Valencia. Our theme for March is “Cooking with Fresh Herbs”. To submit your recipe, please attach it to an email and send to If you have a photo of your finished dish, please attach that to your email too!

  • Very Special Event: Join us on 10 March for a tour of the Falla Plaza del Pilar and Casal. For details and to sign up, please go to Members Only Events | IWC - Valencia



Proyectir Vivir
For those of you who are still interested in volunteering at Proyecto Vivir, please call Cristina at PV on +34 687 534099 and arrange a convenient time to meet with her. When you call tell her you are an IWCV member.


Our focus continues to raise funds for alimentary items. Some of the basic needs are infant and feminine hygiene products, shampoo, shower gel, creams etc. and food stuff such as pasta, tomatoes, oil, vinegar, fruits, and fresh produce. Rice is not required as they have a regular supplier. PV will be happy if people wish to purchase the products and drop them off or have them delivered via supermarket service. Or, if you prefer, Cristina at PV knows their exact needs and a donation would also be appreciated. A one-off donation is wonderful but if anyone wishes to make a monthly donation you can do so through the Proyecto Vivir website. PV can provide certificates of donations for tax deductions if required. If you make a donation to PV please reference it with IWCValencia. The website for info and details is Information on collaboration, donations and the store is at:


If you are looking to have fun, keep busy, and really make a difference, we could use your help! We are looking for a Coordinator for Proyecto Vivir. Sadly, our current coordinator Roshanna Evans is off to new pastures. Roshanna has worked tirelessly to raise the awareness of PV and has given them endless support through fundraising and other means. She will be missed, and we wish Roshanna every success and happiness for the future with her new venture. If anyone is interested to take on this role please email Pauline as soon as possible at



We’ve got some really fun activities planned for members in the coming months! Keep an eye on the monthly Newsletter and the IWCV website for details as they are posted.


15 March – Tour of Falla Plaza del Pilar and Casal – Coordinator: Phyllis So  For details and to register, please go to Members Only Events | IWC - Valencia

13 April – Olive Oil Tasting & Shopping Tour – Coordinator: Susan Hoover

31 May – Fish Market & Lunch – Coordinator Patricia Murray

April date TBD – High Tea - Coordinator: Pauline Fitzgerald

June date TBD – Catamaran Trip – Coordinator: Patricia Murray

Date TBD – Wine Night on the Terrace – Coordinator: Cathy Cleaver

Date TBD – Admiral’s Bath and Presentation – Coordinator: Dana Glynter

Date TBD – Gandia Tour – Coordinator: Missy Anobile





Alicia Stidham - American + Spanish

Carrie Ruisbroek - British

Emme Singer - American + Spanish

Ewa Pernal - Polish

Kim Varas - Canadian + Polish

Melissa Hutcheson New Zealand

Sam Burden - British

Sula Al Naqeeb - Kuwaiti + British

Tarcila Acevefo - Mexican




Adriana Calcines

Andrea Cartwright

Anjum Gadhok

Ann Suvarnapunya

Bonnie Scott

Cathy Moore

Charo Carracedo

Chloe LoBianco

Elena Koroleva

Emily Sini

Gail Gillis

Inez Reser

Karen Gutridge

Katie Anderson

Laurie Wisbrun

Maria Melgarejo

Maria Muniz

Maria Rieff

Mirey Cillero

Missy Anobile

Patricia Murray

Sasha Milo

Sirkka-Liisa Kaila

Sonata Jakutoniene

Suzan Cioffi

Tama Trotti

Taryna Hughes

Toni Reinhart



27 February through 19 March -  Fallas!!

19 March   -     St. Joseph’s Day


We hope to see you at many of our activities this month and during the months that follow!

Jane Buck,



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